Thursday, August 13, 2009

Biblical scholars

Douglas J. Moo is a Biblical scholar, with , I am ashamed to say, a doctorate from a leading British University.

On page 116, of his book on Romans , he writes 'The most we could say is that AIDS may be an additional manifestation of the wrath of God against rebellious and sinful humanity.'

An 'additional' manifestation? Just how many plagues does this God send against rebellious and sinful humanity?

Is Biblical scholarship really scholarship when proponents discuss whether or not AIDS was sent by God to punish mankind?

Richard Dawkins says theology is a non-subject. Is discussing whether or not AIDS was sent by God to punish mankind really a proper subject for British universities to spend their time on?


Blogger Phil C said...

As you should know by now, the Biblical view is that the world is messed up because of sin and God's judgement upon it. So is that statement about Aids surprising? And as to your latter point - isn't a university professor allowed to express opinions about things?

6:32 AM  
Blogger Phil C said...

PS. Douglas Moo is not based at a UK university. I Googled his name, and the first result makes that clear (he is listed on the college's web site as well). So complaining about him and what British universities spend their time on is nonsense.

It took me less than a minute to check that fact. I hope the research standards for your other posts are more rigorous.

6:36 AM  
Blogger Steven Carr said...

I said that Moo has a doctorate from a British University.

He has. A British university gave a doctorate to a 'scholar' who now spends his time wondering if AIDS was sent by God to plague sinful humanity.

This is a fact. I was right.

Quit lying and slandering people.

6:52 AM  
Blogger Phil C said...

You said: "Is discussing whether or not AIDS was sent by God to punish mankind really a proper subject for British universities to spend their time on?"

That implies he wrote the comment on Aids while at a British university, and that it is a major focus of his work.

I stated exactly what facts I checked and what was misleading. That's not lying or slander.

7:55 AM  

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