Thursday, October 27, 2011

William Lane Craig on why children should be killed for their own good

Craig continues with his systematic campaign of saying why children should be killed.

It is now for their own good.

Craig in Oxford

'If you believe in the salvation, as I do, of children, who die, what that meant is that the death of these children meant their salvation. People look at this [genocide] and think life ends at the grave but in fact this was the salvation of these children, who were far better dead…than being raised in this Canaanite culture. '

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The omniscience of William Lane Craig

Richard Dawkins is scared to debate William Lane Craig.

Who wouldn't be?

William Lane Craig's proof of the existence of Yahweh starts 'Everything that begins to exist has a cause'.

How does Craig know that everything that begins to exist has a cause?

Easy. Craig knows about literally everything. No wonder Dawkins can't compete. Does he know about literally everything?

Scientists are spending 5 billion dollars in Cern trying to find out about the origin of the Universe.

All those years of education and not one of them has the common sense to ring William Lane Craig , who can tell them about everything that ever began to exist....

Monday, October 24, 2011

William Lane Craig in why murder is morally obligatory

William Lane Craig, channelling the late Osama bin Laden, has gone public with a claim that murder is morally obligatory if his god commands it, and it is not even murder if the killing is because a god commands it.

Rather, since our moral duties are determined by God’s commands, it is commanding someone to do something which, in the absence of a divine command, would have been murder.

The act was morally obligatory for the Israeli soldiers in virtue of God’s command, even though, had they undertaken it on their on initiative, it would have been wrong.

On divine command theory, then, God has the right to command an act, which, in the absence of a divine command, would have been sin, but which is now morally obligatory in virtue of that command.